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Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging
Photo by Fiona Art on

Dear You!

It has been almost a decade since I last posted anything here. A lot has happened, obviously, in my life, in yours, and the world. While I cannot retrace everything that happened in the last ten years, I will once again try this blogging thing going forward. For me, writing is therapeutic.

So, from now on, for however long, I will begin to post at least once a week. Since I write a weekly article for our church newsletter, I will start there and repost my article here. If other thoughts cross my mind and I have the time and desire to express them here, I will do so.

Here’s to 2023, the next decade, and my writing adventure!


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Posted by on January 27, 2023 in Life, Uncategorized


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Exploitation In The South Pacific Island Kingdom Of Tonga


Exploitation In The South Pacific Island Kingdom Of Tonga

On Friday, February 7, 2014, the XXII Olympic Winter Games officially opened in Sochi, Russia, and history was made. There were 88 countries represented with a total of 2,800 athletes. Seven of those countries made their Winter Olympic debut. One of those countries and one of those athletes were from a tiny group of islands named Tonga located in Oceania, also known as the South Pacific.

In the South Pacific climate, there is no winter (at least not in the sense of “Winter Olympics”). The weather is tropical with the average temperature in Tonga at 73° F (23° C).

In Olympic President Thomas Bach’s speech at the Opening Ceremony, he asserted that the “Olympic Games are a sports festival in praising human diversity in great unity” and all people are welcome regardless of their national origin. In reality, he failed to acknowledge the role of power and money. The Olympic Games are anything but a place where human diversity is truly represented, and certainly not an actual goal.

To be part of the festival of “human diversity in great unity” one must have access to an adequate amount of money and power, either from family wealth and/or sponsorship. If diversity and unity were the Olympic Games’ goal, then it failed to recognize countries and persons unable to participate due to lack of resources or funding.

It seems that countries around the world are not represented by their human capacity at the Olympic Games, but by countries that flaunt their power and money in the elite development of their athletes, or better yet, by a display of selected human athletes from particular countries who are blessed with winter seasons and mountainous terrains.

Thus, it seems rather odd that a country from the South Pacific would even consider or blink an eye at a chance to participate and be represented at the Winter Olympic Games. But Tonga, that tiny group of islands barely visible on the world map, taking part in the Winter Olympics in Sochi was exactly what happened. It was a dream come true for the tiny island kingdom and its solo athlete in luge, a sport unheard of in the South Pacific, nonetheless Tonga.

If imperialism and colonialism are defined by acts in which a dominant culture marginalizes subgroups and exploits a minority group, then this is precisely what happened. Subjugation of the island kingdom by misuse and abuse of power and money by the hegemonic culture is what took place, an unjust practice all-too-often familiar to people of color.

While the physical presence of Tonga was clearly represented at the Olympic Winter Games, the name Bruno Banani is anything but representative of the island kingdom and its rich culture and traditions, where naming is one of its core values and beliefs. While a small percentage of Tongans hold German surnames due to their ancestral heritage, Bruno Banani is not one of them. Rather, Bruno Banani is a German men’s underwear company that made a shrill business dealing with Makai Inc., a Euro-American marketing company, in the name of global capitalism and in overt exploitation of a marginalized group’s inspiration.

Clearly, corporate responsibility and human dignity were not the goal, especially not for a young company like Makai that is zealous to make a name for itself with experiential strategies.

“The domestication of the corporation into local society serves only to further mystify the location of power, which rest not in the locality but in the global headquarters of the company which coordinates its activities. Global capitalism is not a site for liberation but manipulation. It is the site the inhabitants of which must be liberated from themselves (stripped of their identities) to be homogenized into the global culture of capital” (Arif Dirlik, “The Global in the Local”).

As the tale has been told, Makai Inc came across this mischievous golden opportunity as an experimental marketing tactic in 2008. The company had a connection with Tonga’s Princess Salote Mafile’o Pilolevu Tuita, who desired for her country to be represented at the Winter Olympics.

A search for a luger was conducted in the island kingdom. There were at least 20-30 other athletes that showed up and tried out, even when they did not understand the sport of luge. Who wouldn’t if one might be given the lifetime opportunity to represent their beloved country in the Winter Olympic Games.

The selected luger was Fuahea Semi, a 26-year-old computer science student, who played rugby as a hobby with his friends. He was chosen not only for his athletic abilities but also for his humility. Who knew that humbleness was to be part of a sport’s qualification! Perhaps it is a necessary criterion for a Western marketing firm with its white executives’ coercion and exploitation of a brown body, with less chance of any protest from the brown-skin Polynesian man.

Makai Inc explained to Fuahea Semi that luge was an expensive sport and that he would need a sponsor to cover the expenses. To attract the right sponsor, Fuahea Semi, would need to change his name. This is when Makai approached Bruno Banani, the German underwear company with their scheming creative marketing ideas.

The Tongan athlete, Fuahea Semi, who had never experienced temperature below 60° F and snow, moved to Germany in 2009 to train. Many questions were raised about this dark-skinned man’s name being Bruno Banani, and they were all given the response that it was his name, and his passport was proof.

After a year of training, Bruno Banani came within one point of qualifying for the Vancouver Olympics in 2010, but he crashed in his last attempt and ended up in the hospital.

In December 2013, Bruno Banani qualified for the Sochi Winter Olympics placing 28th out of 42 lugers, even after newspapers and websites from around the world suggested that Bruno Banani should not be allowed to compete for a spot in Sochi. Bruno Banani finished 32nd in the luge final in Sochi.

This story has made world headlines. Even Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympics Committee, called it “a perverse marketing idea….done in bad taste to change your name to that of a sponsor. This has nothing to do with proper marketing.” Yet, since Bruno Banani qualified for the Sochi games, the Olympics Committee could not prevent him from competing. After all, his name was legally changed on his passport.

Even though Bruno Banani was the name that made history for the individual and the island kingdom’s debut in the Winter Olympics Games, the whole thing was ludicrous and disconcerting. As Frantz Fanon wrote in Wretched of the Earth, “The colonist also makes history and knows it. The history he writes is therefore not the history of the country he is despoiling, but the history of his own nations’ [exploitations, racism, and injustice].”

Tu’a ‘Ofa Atu, Sela E. Finau. Follow her blog @



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a day apart from facebook

Today is Saturday, January 29, 2011. It has also been over 24 hours since I last signed on to facebook. It has not been easy. As a matter of fact, I am highly anxious for Monday to arrive so that I can reunite with facebook and friends.

So here is what I did today without facebook. I slept an hour longer. I was able to listen to class lectures online. I even arrived to work on time. Now, to improvise and satisfy my e-communication craving and instant gratification need, I signed on to my blog a couple of times, re-read and edited a couple of my posts. I admit that my writings always need tweaking, but that’s because our human mind is always processing and always feeling the need to reform one’s work. Well, at least that’s how my mind works. But, honestly, in this instance, it was actually more about filling a void than it was about perfecting blog posts. It was about me getting my “fix” and wanting to be connected with a network of people. This is not good. I think. Or maybe I’m just bored because I’m at work.

The main question that I need to ask of myself is, where is God in all this? I will get back to you with an answer, shortly.



life journey

As this year comes to a close, I am reminded of how precious life really is and why it is important to cherish each moment we have with the people close to us. I am also reminded of why we should greet each person with acts of love and grace whether we are meeting them for the first time or reuniting for the millionth time. Bottom line is, I think, each person is a creation of God.

I think it may also be important to  consider each meeting as if it’s the last time we’ll see that person. It just may be. So embrace the moment and opportunity!

Below is something that I jotted down today in thinking about our journey through life and death. Given more time, I’m sure I could arrange it a little more methodically, or not.


life journey

We imagine.

We begin.

We breathe.

We exist.

We live.

We become.

We are.


We journey.

We wander.

We encounter.

We choose.

We experience.

We rush.

We pass.


We laugh.

We cry.

We love.

We hurt.

We argue.

We fight.

We forgive.


We dare.

We compete.

We win.

We struggle.

We lose.

We endure.

We dream.


We connect.

We create.

We share.

We dictate.

We posses.

We obsess.

We disconnect.


We want.

We receive.

We own.

We give.

We sacrifice.

We serve.

We glorify.


We defeat.

We think.

We examine.

We process.

We listen.

We hear.

We modify.


We push.

We challenge.

We expect.

We proceed.

We worry.

we exceed.

We succeed.


We demand.

We obey.

We disobey.

We despise.

We learn.

We reflect.

We change.


We die.

We grieve.

We regret.

We express.

We comfort.

We abandon.

We hope.


We persist.

We gain.

We will.

We forget.

We won’t.

We remember.

We meditate.


We theorize.

We question.

We doubt.

We complicate.

We speculate.

We theologize.

We search.


We pray.

We find.

We continue.

We believe

We inspire.

We trust.

We resume.


© Sela E. Finau, 2010.

*originally written 12/30/2010 as a facebook note.

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Posted by on January 19, 2011 in Life, Philosophy, Uncategorized


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A typical day as a grad student!

So it’s only the second week of classes and I am feeling totally overwhelmed with readings and assignments.  I have even fallen behind on my readings. But then again, when you have a full load of courses, one doesn’t do “reading,” but rather “skimming.” That’s right, it’s impossible to do all the readings. There’s simply not enough time in a day!

Here’s how my day went (thank you for asking:):

I fell asleep at about 2a.m. and woke up at 6a.m. I read for a couple of hours. I left home at 9:00 to get to a 10:00 class. Because it rained this morning, there was more traffic than usual. I cheated and risked getting a $200 fine and took the HOV lane. (Bad, don’t do it!) However, I still arrived to class a little late. Thank God my OT professor says a prayer at the beginning of each class, which saved me today, as I rushed in, out of breath, just in time to take the quiz.

I thought my Old Testament class this morning was very relevant, inspiring, and thought provoking. We read Genesis 1 and 2, and throughout the reading, my professor who is of course an OT/Hebrew scholar, and “NOT a raging feminist” (his words), substituted “man” with “humanity.” Why? Because the correct interpretation of the Hebrew word אדם orʼĀḏām means humanity, not man.

Also, in Gen, 1:27, it reads, “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them.”

My professor made the point that it does not say God created us individual human beings in God’s image; rather, it says humanity was created in God’s image. The individual image being interpreted as God’s image was Augustine’s interpretation, which the Christian tradition has largely followed to today.

I knew everything up to this point. After all, I have already taken Old Testament before, but hearing it again from another professor at a different school, and a male biblical scholar was truly rewarding.

But what was new for me was the following interpretation.  That when we separate ourselves as individuals and say that we are the image of God, this could be interpreted as narcissistic and idolatrized. In other words, the image of God is only complete when we include all of humanity. I find this interpretation of humanity fascinating because if that’s the case, how might we perceive others of humanity that are not Christian, that are of other race, and so forth? We are not the image of God all by ourselves as individuals, but the image of God represents all of humanity, regardless. So next time, instead of looking at the mirror to find the image of God, we need to be looking at other people, at humanity as a whole as the image of God. Enough said? Yes, for now. Class finished at 11:20.

I then did my reading my next class at 1:30. Got it done. Class finished at 2:50.

I then took out my books to read for my next class at 4:30. At about 3:30, I experienced what I will refer to as a divine revelation. (Don’t laugh!) I decided to look at my syllabus for another class tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. To my surprise, I discovered I had a writing assignment due at 5p.m.  I almost went into panic mode because I had less than an hour as I had another class at 4:30. Lucky for me, I had the book with me and already understood the assigned reading, Schubert Ogden. Needless to say, I got the writing done and submitted at 4:20.

4:30 was my next class, and that lasted until 5:50. I then drove home, which took me over an hour.

I should be studying Hebrew right now, but instead I decided to go on facebook. Bad idea, as I’ve decided to update my status and write this “note.”  In about an hour, I will go to the airport to pick up a guest that will be staying with me for a few days while attending a conference nearby. This person is from New Zealand, I think. (I have to work all wkend; no further comment.)

Anyways, learning a different language is difficult and requires a lot of discipline. But I tell you what, being able to sound out the words, Hebrew words, my 3rd day of class is truly amazing. It makes it all worthwhile, I think!

That’s how my day went, 2nd week of classes.

-originally written as a facebook note, August 2010.

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Posted by on September 7, 2010 in Student life, Uncategorized


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