Monthly Archives: October 2013

October 29th – Awaken to Blessings!

October 29th – Awaken to Blessings!

There’s something about 7 a.m. and my dog, Philo. He never sleeps past 7 and I can always count on him to get me up with or without my approval. The exception is on Sunday mornings when I’m the first one to wake up at 6 a.m. to prepare for the day. Sunday is both a blessing and a paradox, for not only is it the climax of the week but also the end of the week, for me at least and perhaps other pastors.

It’s Tuesday morning and my week starts over. As I am sipping on my cups of coffee I reminisce over the significant of the date. Ahh, yes, it’s October 29th, the day that my dad died 12 years ago. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. I was in the garage with my sister-in-laws preparing Tongan mats and ngatus for dad’s funeral when my oldest brother came to get me. That morning, my brothers and I witness the end of my dad’s life and the date forever carved in memory.

I still remember what my brother said that morning, to remember that our parents sacrificed everything and left Tonga in order that we might have a better opportunity in life, particularly education.

Sometimes I look at some of our Tongan youth and young adults and wonder why is it that they don’t understand, value, and appreciate education? Don’t they know that their parents and/or grandparents also have similar stories to that of my parents? Haven’t their parents explained and instill this value in them? Don’t they know that thousands of children around the world fight for a spot to attend school, and even then parents pay a great sum, and, yet, many are still left without the opportunity? Don’t they know that Tonga have one of the highest rate of literacy in the world per capita at 99%? Tongans living in Tonga can read and write in Tongan, and many times they can also read and write in English. What does that say about us Tongans living abroad? Many do not even speak, read, or write in the Tongan language and are thoughtless to culture and tradition. Don’t they know that language is a key element to survival of a culture and tradition? Yikes! Makes my stomach turn!

In a society where it prizes individual accomplishments, we often forget that we come from a culture that thrives on family and community, that there’s no distinction between first and second cousins from our own brothers and sisters. Nuclear family indeed is defined differently in the Poly-nesian CommUnity.

I wonder, are we taking advantage of the endless resources available to us in our adopted countries? Why can’t they see what I see and take advantage of the opportunity? Yuk! 😦

But isn’t that true of life, we take things for granted when we have them. And we wish for things when we don’t. We don’t try as hard when we know there will always be something else. We complain way too much and appreciate way too little. We consume more than enough and waste a disgraceful and outrageous sum.

Ahh, life, we are infinitely blessed yet we do not know it. May we be awaken to that reality. May you be awaken to your blessings!

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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in Culture, Family, Life


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Friday Morning!

It’s Friday morning, and I’m awake at 7:00 a.m. My dog, Philo, is eager to get out. I tell him not yet, but he seems not to understand. So we get up and it’s still dark outside, cloudy, humid and cool. It’s supposed to be my day off, but I have a golf tournament with one of my church. I’ve never played golf before, so today will be a first.

As I’m enjoying my cups of coffee, I thought of checking this blog that I’ve neglected for the past couple of months. But it’s been a busy couple of months. For the month of August and September, I’ve presided and co-presided over 4 different funerals. I realize that’s part of a pastor’s job, but when a couple of those funerals involved family and friends, it’s more than just a pastor’s job.

I’ve traveled to Washington, D.C. for a board meeting with the General Commission on Religion and Race, and then to Boston where I co-officiated with a Catholic Priest at my niece, Amelia’s wedding to James, an Irish. It was a day of celebration, not just with our family, but to see Catholic and Protestant, Irish and Tongan, both immigrant islanders to the U.S. is an amazing story and blessing. A reflection of unity in diversity. A glimpse of the Kingdom of God.

It was nice and refreshing to be away. But since being back, it’s been endless meetings. The mileage I’ve put in my car is ridiculously not ecologically friendly. I could go on a little more in this area, but I will address that at another time.

Anyway, last week, after being on leave for the past couple of months, I officially resigned from my position with TD Ameritrade after 5+ years. It’s been a great experience dealing with people around the world and Wall Street. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned while working in the industry, is that the world does not sleep, at least not at the same time. And whatever happens here in the U.S. from sociopolitical, geopolitics to various market segments affects the world, and whatever happens around the world affects the U.S., financial or otherwise. The Global Market is cyclical, projecting, hopeful, tempting, doubtful, risky, costly, fearful, volatile, reactionary, and reflectionary.

I surely will not miss working 12 hours overnight. That was a killer to the body, mind, and soul. But the irony is that the overnight schedule afforded me the opportunity and flexibility to attend seminary. Two masters degrees later is not bad for a sleepless islander. While I will not miss the chaos of the market, I will miss the excitement. My series 7 & 63 broker licenses is now a thing of the past. And those 7 hours securities industry exams made my eyes and head hurt.

Now, instead of being asked about the DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P, I get asked about church membership, its offering and ministries. Moving onward and living out a calling in the business of Trust, Faith, Hope, and Love. The church ministry, an exciting, rewarding, yet difficult and lonely place to be at times.

Now excuse me while I go and play golf.


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Posted by on October 11, 2013 in Church, Culture, Life