Monthly Archives: May 2024

Two Paths

Two Paths


This past Sunday, our message was based on Psalm 1. It’s a powerful Psalm that guides us on the right path by allowing us to meditate on God’s teachings and will enable them to become a constant presence in our daily lives. 

The Psalm used the image of a strong, wise tree planted by a refreshing stream to represent someone who embraces God’s word. This tree flourishes because it’s nourished by the life-giving water. It’s a powerful analogy for the way our lives can be enriched when we truly focus on God’s message. We gain strength, purpose, and the ability to weather any storm.

The Psalm also reminds us of those who choose a different path. They’re described as “chaff,” easily blown away by the wind. I don’t think any of us want lives that are empty and without lasting value.

Indeed, God’s word can be a source of strength, helping us live lives that make a difference. It’s not just about personal fulfillment; it’s about the positive influence and guidance we can offer to others. By following God’s path, we can create a legacy that continues to bless future generations.

Hopefully, the sermon prompted all of us to consider our path. Are we truly aligning ourselves with God’s will? It’s a question we can all ask ourselves. The choices we make today shape our tomorrow, and I believe we all want a tomorrow filled with purpose.

Lastly, the sermon connected the role mothers play in our lives to the nurturing stream that sustains the flourishing tree. Their love and guidance are like that life-giving water. As we celebrate mothers, let’s also recommit ourselves to following God’s path. It’s a path that leads to a life filled with purpose, and remember, God, like a loving parent, watches over us every step of the way.

Grace and peace!

Sela Finau


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Love, Faith, and Belonging

Love, Faith, and Belonging


This week, our journey through 1 John concluded with powerful messages of love, faith, and belonging.

The importance of loving others struck a chord. John reminds us that loving God is inseparable from loving our brothers and sisters. Our faith must be reflected in our actions; belief translates to right living. We are called to walk the talk, following God’s light and avoiding the darkness of false teachings. John makes it clear: we stand with God or the enemy.

This concept of unity resonated throughout our message. For this author, everything connects back to God’s love. To love God is to love all that God has created without limitations or qualifications. This message felt particularly timely, reflecting on the recent actions of the General Conference. John’s words were a reminder that our love should extend to everyone, regardless of their identity.

John also offered encouragement. Our faith in Christ can conquer fear and doubt, granting us victory in this world. This victory comes not from our own strength but through Christ alone. Following God’s commandments isn’t a burden but a path towards living a life filled with love.

The Easter season was a focus, reminding us of the hope and new life offered by Christ’s resurrection. We are called to be “Easter people,” carrying the message of Christ’s love into the world. John’s message also addressed belonging. Ultimately, we belong to God, not to any specific denomination or church. This world is temporary; our true home lies with Christ and his Kingdom.

Our message concluded with a powerful image. Water and blood, essential life elements, symbolize Christ’s sacrifice. This sacrifice gave birth to the Church, our spiritual mother, who sustains and guides us on our faith journey. Through baptism, we are connected as a body of believers, a part of God’s family. We are invited to embrace the new life offered by Christ and live according to his teachings.

Sela Finau


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Prayer for Victims of Violence

Prayer for Victims of Violence


Almighty God,

We come before you heartbroken by the senseless act of violence that occurred near our church last night. A drive-by shooting left five people injured, one young adult of 19 years old and four precious children, the youngest being a mere 3 years old.

Our hearts ache for these innocent victims. Grant the young adult and the four children strength and resilience as they heal from their physical wounds and emotional trauma. Surround them with skilled medical professionals and the unwavering love of their families. 

We also pray for the individual who was stabbed at our neighborhood Kroger’s yesterday morning. For the families facing fear and uncertainty, we pray for your comforting presence. Grant them strength to support their loved ones during this difficult time.

We pray for the perpetrators. Redirect and transform their thoughts, minds, hearts, and lives.

Guide our community towards healing and peace. May we work together to create a safer future where innocent lives, young and old, are not put at risk by violence. Empower us to speak out against gun violence and all forms of violence and work tirelessly towards a future where children can play freely without fear.

In your infinite mercy, we pray. Amen.

Rev. Sela Finau


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