Monthly Archives: October 2023

Peace Like A River

Peace Like A River


As we close out our voyage through the teachings of Philippians, may we hold on to the invaluable lessons we’ve learned. In the midst of life’s frenzied chaos, we are encouraged to seek those serene moments in the presence of God. This enduring quest for tranquility is not just a personal endeavor; it’s a mission to become peacemakers in every sphere of our lives.

Imagine a world where our homes, workplaces, small groups, churches, and communities resonate with peace. Picture yourself as a calming presence amidst the storms of others. But above all, envision finding an unshakeable peace within yourself, rooted in the profound knowledge that we are loved and cherished profoundly by our Creator.

This peace, the kind that transcends understanding, is not passive; it’s an active force that should flow through us. It should shape our responses, soothe our fears, and guide our steps. As we journey through the bustling streets of life, let the tranquility of God’s peace accompany us like a steadfast companion. In the midst of troubled waters, it reminds us that solace can be found in the boundless love of God.

Let this peace be transformative, washing away our fears, anxieties, and doubts. May it not be just a fleeting moment of respite but the anthem that echoes through the corridors of our lives. As we assume the role of peacemakers, we are not just spreading a momentary calm; we are cultivating a culture of serenity, one that reflects the very essence of our faith.

May we find the strength to be that calming presence, not just for others but for ourselves too. May we navigate life’s challenges with grace, secure in the knowledge that we are deeply cherished by the One who created us. And as we do so, may the peace of God reign supreme in our hearts, shaping our interactions, influencing our decisions, and illuminating our path.

Grace and Peace!

Sela Finau


Press On

Press On


In Sunday’s sermon, we delved into the inspiring story of John Stephen Akhwari, a tale that beautifully illustrates the power of perseverance, determination, and unwavering commitment. His story reminds us that in life, the ultimate victory lies not in winning the race but in finishing it with resilience and purpose, regardless of the hurdles in our path.

The sermon emphasized the significance of pressing on in our lives, even when faced with daunting challenges. As Akhwari persevered through bruises and pain, we were encouraged to confront our obstacles with unwavering faith. The message echoed the biblical teachings from Philippians 3:4-14, urging us to run the race of faith with endurance, keeping our focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

The parallel between Akhwari’s determination and our purpose in the race of life is that we were not placed in this life to quit or give up. We’re in this race to finish. Stay encouraged and focus on Christ, who stands ahead, guiding us toward the ultimate goal. So keep pressing on and continue the race with endurance until we unite with Christ in the ultimate victory.

Press on…

Sela Finau


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A sermon recap from World Communion Sunday’s message based on Philippians 2:1-13, “Emptied.”

In a world often consumed by self-centeredness and individualism, the teachings from Philippians challenge us to embrace humility. This teaching urges us not merely to rid ourselves of pride and self-importance but to go further, considering others as superior to ourselves. It’s a radical concept in a society that glorifies power, status, and selfish ambition.

The essence lies in emptying ourselves – an act that doesn’t diminish us but elevates our humanity. Imagine a world where everyone genuinely valued others’ needs above their own desires. This selflessness is transformative, allowing us to find our true selves by putting others’ needs before our own. It encourages us to be kind, to listen, and to help others, even if it means putting our needs second. Embracing this self-emptying isn’t a sign of weakness but a testament to spiritual strength. It’s about finding fulfillment and humanity in Christ, and recognizing the divine in every person we encounter.

As we reflect on this teaching on World Communion Sunday, we’re invited to follow this profound example. Just as Christ emptied Himself on the cross for our sake, we’re called to empty ourselves of our burdens and pride. World Communion Sunday isn’t just a ritual; it’s a reminder of our shared humanity. The Communion Table isn’t a place for the self-righteous; it’s a refuge for the humble. Here, we find acceptance and renewal, leaving our emptiness at the foot of the cross, ready to be filled with the boundless love of God.

