Monthly Archives: March 2024

Easter Sunday Prayer

Easter Sunday Prayer


Dear God, on this glorious Easter Sunday, a wave of joy washes over us as we celebrate the resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ! The news that the tomb is empty fills our hearts with a hope that transcends all darkness.

The image of the risen Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene, the first to witness the miracle, reminds us that your love and promises are unfailing.

Grant us, Lord, the unwavering faith of Mary Magdalene and the other disciples who believed in the face of doubt. May the joy of Jesus’ resurrection fill us with renewed strength and purpose.

Help us to carry the message of hope and redemption into the world, sharing your love with all we encounter. May the light of Christ illuminate our path and guide us towards a life of compassion, service, and love.

We sing your praises, O God, for the victory of life over death! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!


Holy Saturday, Day 40

Holy Saturday, Day 40

March 30, 2024

Dear God, on this Holy Saturday, a hush descends upon the earth. The world seems to hold its breath, suspended between the immense sacrifice of Good Friday and the glorious dawn of Easter. The tomb where Jesus lies is a stark reminder of human mortality, yet a quiet hope stirs within us. We remember the promise of resurrection, a promise whispered through the ages. Grant us solace in this stillness, Lord. May we use this time for reflection, contemplating the profound meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice and the transformation it brings. As we wait in anticipation, strengthen our faith and kindle a flame of hope within our hearts. Prepare us to receive the glorious news of your son’s resurrection and the promise of new life in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Good Friday Prayer

Good Friday Prayer

Day 39

Dear God, on this Good Friday, a day shrouded in sorrow, we remember Jesus’ immense suffering. The betrayal, mockery, and agonizing pain of the cross unfold before us, a stark reminder of the tremendous price paid for our salvation.

Even amidst the crushing weight of Good Friday, a flicker of hope remains. Jesus’ unwavering love for humanity shines through in his final act of forgiveness: “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

Lord, help us find strength in Jesus’ sacrifice, a testament to the depths of your love for us. May we learn from his example of compassion and forgiveness, even in the face of immense pain.

As we contemplate the darkness of this day, may we hold fast to the promise whispered in those final words – the promise of redemption, of a new beginning, and the light to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Maundy / Holy Thursday, Day 38

Maundy / Holy Thursday, Day 38


Dear God, on this Maundy Thursday, a weight settles on our hearts as we remember the Last Supper. The image of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet is a powerful reminder of his profound humility and unwavering love.

At this sacred meal, Jesus established a lasting gift – the Sacrament of Holy Communion. As we share in bread and wine, we remember his words, “This is my body, broken for you” and “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you” (1 Corinthians 11:24-25).

Help us not just to hear these words but genuinely embody them in our lives. May we embrace the spirit of service and willingly lower ourselves to lift others. Grant us the courage to perform acts of love, no matter how seemingly small, for they can have a profound impact on those around us.

We also remember Jesus’ commandment to love one another, a love that transcends circumstances and surpasses any differences.

Help us to cultivate a heart overflowing with love and forgiveness, just as Jesus loved and forgave his disciples on the eve of his sacrifice. May we extend compassion and understanding to those around us, fostering a world where your love reigns supreme. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Wednesday of Holy Week: Day 37

Wednesday of Holy Week: Day 37

Merciful Lord, on this Holy Wednesday, we reflect on the betrayal and denial Jesus experienced from those closest to Him. Help us to examine our own hearts and repent of any ways we have strayed from your will. May this time of reflection deepen our commitment to follow Christ, even in the face of adversity and temptation. Just as Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter denied him, we acknowledge our own moments of weakness and failure. Yet, in your infinite mercy, you offer us forgiveness and redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Grant us the strength and courage to follow Christ faithfully, and may we draw closer to you during this Holy Week. Amen.


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Tuesday of Holy Week: Day 36

Tuesday of Holy Week: Day 36

Loving God, as we continue our journey through Holy Week, we are mindful of the challenges Jesus faced in the days leading to his crucifixion. Grant us the grace to confront our own trials with courage and faith. May the humility and obedience of Christ inspire us to follow him more closely, knowing that he walks with us every step of the way. Amen.


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Monday of Holy Week: Day 35

Monday of Holy Week: Day 35

Gracious God, as Holy Week unfolds, the jubilant cries of “Hosanna!” still resonate. Yet, a deeper understanding settles upon us. Jesus’ arrival on a donkey, a symbol of peace, starkly contrasts the expectations of a conquering king. This quiet act underscores the true nature of his mission – one of humility, service, and ultimate sacrifice. We reflect on the events leading to the cross. Grant us the courage to walk alongside Jesus. Help us to set aside distractions and focus our hearts on the significance of this sacred time. May our actions and prayers be a testament to our commitment to follow Christ. Amen.


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Palm Sunday Prayer

Palm Sunday Prayer


Dear God, on this Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem; we echo the crowd’s joyful shouts: “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Mark 11:9).

Yet, even amidst the celebration, a deeper understanding stirs within us. We recognize the foreshadowing in Jesus’ arrival on a donkey, a symbol of humility and peace, not on a mighty warhorse. This humble entrance reminds us that the path to true victory lies not in earthly glory but in following your will.

As we begin this Holy Week, we acknowledge the shadow of the coming days—the weight of the cross Jesus will bear on Good Friday. As you have shown us, there is no true understanding of Easter’s joy without first experiencing the sorrow of suffering. Just as Jesus walked through the valley before reaching the mountaintop, we must also be willing to face challenges with unwavering faith.

Lord, help us see beyond the outward spectacle and recognize the true message Jesus brings. Like the branches laid at his feet, may we surrender our pride and self-importance, paving the way for your reign of love and justice in our hearts.

Grant us the courage to follow Jesus, even when the path leads not to earthly glory but service and sacrifice. May we, like the children who sang his praises, embody a spirit of joyful faith, unwavering in our belief in your love and the promise of redemption.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Saturday of the Sixth Week in Lent

Saturday of the Sixth Week in Lent


Day 34: Dear God, a sense of anticipation fills the air on this Saturday before Holy Week. We reflect on the words of Hebrews (5:5-10) that remind us of Jesus, who learned and grew through his experiences. We are grateful for his obedience, learning through suffering, and becoming the source of eternal salvation for all who choose. 

Grant us the grace to emulate Christ’s obedience, even amidst trials, knowing that we find true freedom and purpose through his example. Help us to surrender our will to yours, finding strength in prayer, just as Christ did. May we be transformed by Christ’s humility, shaping our lives to reflect his love and obedience. Strengthen our faith, renew our spirits, and draw us closer to you, O Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, our High Priest, and Savior, we offer this prayer, trusting in your boundless mercy and grace. Amen.


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Friday of the Sixth Week in Lent

Friday of the Sixth Week in Lent

Day 33: Dear God, on this Friday of the Sixth Week of Lent, we look to you for guidance as we journey towards Holy Week. The Psalmist asks, “How can a young person keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word” (Psalm 119:9).

Like the Psalmist, we turn to your word for wisdom and direction. Help us to discern your will in our lives and find the strength to follow your path. May your light illuminate our steps and guide us towards a deeper understanding of your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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